Vata is one of the 3 ayurvedic doshas that governs the nervous system and becomes aggravated by too much movement, stress, dry, light, rough, cold and over stimulation to name a few. As we move through this dry season into the Vata season of fall, we should be trying to reduce vata aggravating things.
Dry rough foods and windy cold days as well as too much media stimulation, or digital energy. We can also bring in some of the opposite attribute like warm, wet, dark, smooth, soft, slow and oily.
So heres a lovely meditation to soak away your stress, ground you and calm the nervous system any time of day but especially at the end of your day.
Run a warm bath with some sea salt or Epsom salt and aromatherapy of calming oils like chamomile, lavender, sweet marjoram and other skin safe oils of your choice. With a dark room and maybe a candle or 2, lay in the bath with just your nose and mouth in the air. Try to be as still and buoyant as you take full and complete breaths. Can you hear the ocean breath? Can you notice the heart rhythm linked to the breathing pattern? Fell your body ebb and flow. Maybe hmm and low deep “hmmmmm” as you exhale.
Vata governs the ears and sensory organ of sound. Our nervous system is all through the body and on the skin. Water is soft, heavy, slow, smooth and warm…notice how you can bring the opposite in to create balance. This is ayurveda and you don’t have to be a Vata dosha as we should always treat vata first especially in the season of Vata.
So enjoy and for more info on your body type…please reach out to me.
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